Check the Calendar for any changes to the pattern (e.g. Christmas and Easter, Harvest, Remembrance, etc.)
Tuddenham St Martin
The Street, Tuddenham St Martin, IP6 9BT

Morning worship every Thursday at 9.30am
Sunday Service time -Â 9.30am
1st Sunday:Â Â Family Communion
2nd Sunday: Family Service
3rd Sunday:Â Family Communion
4th Sunday:Â Morning Worship
5th Sunday – joint service with the other two churches.
Westerfield St Mary Magdalene
Church Lane, Westerfield, IP6 9BE

Morning worship every Wednesday at 9.30am
Sunday Service time – 11am
1st Sunday: Family Communion.
2nd Sunday: Family Service inc. Scouts
3rd Sunday: Family Communion
4th Sunday: Morning Worship
5th Sunday – joint service with the other two churches.
Witnesham St Mary
Church Lane, Witnesham, IP6 9JD

Morning worship every Tuesday at 9.30am
Sunday Service time – 10am
1st Sunday: All-Age Worship
2nd Sunday: Family Communion
3rd Sunday: Morning Worship
4th Sunday: Family Communion
5th Sunday – joint service with the other two churches.
Morning Service
This is a service without communion. It lasts about 45 minutes and has hymns, Bible readings, a sermon (which lasts about 10 minutes) and prayers. Everything is set out in a service booklet so you’ll know when to stand or sit; when to listen and when to join in.

Our hymns are a mixture of modern and traditional, using hymn books and projected words.

During the last hymn there’s a collection and you’re free to give as much or as little as you like. Some people have a direct debit set up.
As with all our services, everyone, whatever their age, is very welcome; it’s quite relaxed and no-one will put any pressure on you to do or say anything.

We remember Jesus’ last meal by sharing bread and wine. The booklet and the priest explain what to do as we go along. If you’re confirmed, or you take communion in another church or denomination, then you’re very welcome to take communion with us. But if you can’t, or don’t want to, you’re still very welcome to come up to the alter rail for a blessing. Children are very welcome to come up for a blessing too. The whole service lasts about an hour.
​All-Age Service

This informal service is aimed at all ages. The hymns tend to be more modern, and may be familiar to some from school. Like all our services, there’s an an opportunity to stay afterwards, have a chat, and refreshments. (Oh, and no-one will mind if children or babies get restless during the service – we kind of expect that!)
Joint Benefice Service
The congregations from all three churches get together with our fellow Christians from Witnesham Baptist Church and we have a joint service. It’s on the 5th Sunday of the month – so that means we only do it four times a year. And we rotate around all four churches. Check the Calendar for the time.